Professional Mobile Sharpening Services

in Melbourne

Nothing beats well-sharpened equipment like chef’s knives, scissors for the dressmakers, sharp workshop and garden equipment . We can handle most of your sharpening needs.

We promise that your blades will be sharpened to your satisfaction,  which is backed by our 100% money back guarantee. 

  You'll be surprised at just how cheap it is for us to sharpen all equipment promptly, professionally, and at a price you will not believe - and have it all done at your front door or at our home on the spot.

Special Hand Sharpening on Whetstone - Ideal for Japanese & German Style Knives .

Specially !!!!!!!!!!

CS Brand Sharpeners will sharpen your CS Brand knives free of charge within 5 years of purchase at Your doorstep.


Professional Service with modern technics .  

Workmanship with new Technology and Equipment's 
